The State Of Mental Health Care: What Needs To Change?

Mental Health Affects the world

Michael Godwin
New Writers Welcome


Photo by total shape on unsplash

For those who have been through it, mental illness can be one of the most difficult things to live with. Not only do you have to cope with the debilitating symptoms of your disease, but you also need to navigate the complex system of support that’s in place for you (or not). But what are we doing wrong? Why do people who seek help still go untreated? And how can we fix it? Here’s our take on what needs to change with the state of mental health care in America today and how we can make it better—for everyone involved.

Mental Health Care Challenges in the US

The US spends more money on healthcare than any other country in the world. Unfortunately, Americans do not live longer or healthier lives because of it.

Mental Health Is Everyone’s Problem

For a long time, society has taught us that problems of physical health are much more pressing than problems with one’s mental well-being. While for some people that may be true, for many others, it is not.

Mental Health Affects Us All

According to Mental Health America, one in five American adults will suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year. Depression is second only to heart disease as a leading cause of disability in our nation.

How We Can Fight Back Against Stigma

Stigma is a complex issue, but one way we can fight it is by talking about it. The more awareness there is about mental illness, and how people struggle with it every day, hopefully, leads to more understanding.

But First, Understand What Mental Illness Means

The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent and are more likely to be victims than perpetrators.

We Need More People on the Front Lines

A 2015 survey by Mental Health America found that nearly half of adults with a diagnosable mental disorder did not receive treatment in any given year.

Dedicated Funding is Necessary

It’s no secret that our country is facing a nationwide epidemic when it comes to mental illness.

Increase Training Across Communities

For people with mental illnesses to receive proper treatment, they must be able to get help quickly.



Michael Godwin
New Writers Welcome

A writer with the passion for covering varieties of topics.