Politics is a Dirty Game: Why Players Always Lose
Politics is a game of backstabbing

If you play any sport, there’s always going to be a chance that you get hurt. However, there’s one sport that seems to be riskier than others, and that’s politics. It’s this constant backstabbing and plotting that makes politics such a dirty game and why players always lose in the end. Here are just some of the reasons why this is true.
President Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Mohamed Bin Salman
These three politicians have made headlines recently for their polarizing behavior. Their varying ideologies – and strategies of manipulation – have set off much controversy. There are numerous factors at play here, but we can’t deny that political figures use dirty tactics to manipulate politics. They do so to gain leverage over others. It’s important to identify these schemes early on so they don’t take control of your company or brand. To stay ahead of these games, keep an eye out for some of these common tricks.
The Most Powerful Player in the World?
There’s no doubt that presidential elections have great influence over both countries. After all, as Jack Shafer put it, the president of the United States has almost unilateral power to start wars without congressional authorization, appoint federal judges (including members of his cabinet), and control much of his party’s agenda.
The White House press corps exerts more power over America’s daily political discourse than any group of reporters in any other nation. All in all, whoever wins is arguably more powerful than most monarchies in history. But that's not enough; candidates also want money. Lots and lots of money. And if they can't get it from their supporters?
Networking - A Necessary Evil
Networking is often referred to as shaking hands and kissing babies. No one likes to do it, but everyone says you have to. Unfortunately, many business owners view networking as forced socialization with people they don't want to meet.
But if that's how you feel about networking, you're missing out on opportunities that can benefit your business in major ways. Consider attending some industry events where you'll be able to connect with like-minded people and listen in on some of their discussions—you may even gain valuable insights into your own business.
What's the Point of All These Machiavellian Machinations?
Politics is always dirty. There’s no easy way to say it, and no reason for all of us to pretend otherwise. It was, after all, not so long ago that someone was advising people to commit political suicide to win an election.
I guess if you want blood you have to spill some blood but I can’t help but wonder when we will get past all of these Machiavellian machinations. Life is hard enough without having politicians telling us that politics involves being two-faced, and corrupting our moral compass, just so we can get what we want.
Surely there must be another way!
The rules of politics are simple.
First, know your vote counts.
Second, know that if you want to win (and you want to win big), then there are some things you simply must do.
If you're so lucky as to find yourself in power, three things will happen within days of being sworn in - there will be an assassination attempt on your life, your top minister or general will die under mysterious circumstances, and someone from one of your party's factions will declare independence and proclaim himself/herself King/Queen of Someplace.